a Japanese wine made from carefully selected rice and the purest water. Premium sake is served chilled; lower-grade sake is served warm. In cooking, it is used in marinades and sauces. Today sake is made in the United States in California, Colorado, and Oregon.
a tiny, almost round, rice grown in southern India and Sri Lanka. The sample I tasted had a unique herbaceous flavor and aroma. Samba can have either sticky or dry starch, depending on its genetic makeup, although high amylose (dry starch) rice is typical of Sri Lanka.
Sticky rice
term used for waxy, sweet, or glutinous rices, but confusing because there are so many different types of rice within this category. Domestically grown sticky rice, which does not hold its shape when cooked, is used as a stabilizer in processed foods. Asian sticky rice is a whole different world of long-and short-grain rices that may be white, black, or even red. Some need to be soaked before cooking; some don’t. The sticky rice, also called sweet rice, is opaque white, as opposed to translucent, with a small oval shape. It is 100 percent amylopectin, the waxy starch, which means it is very sticky. It is used in many Asian desserts, which is probably why it is called sweet rice.
Sushi rice
a short-grain rice with smooth glassy grains. When cooked the rice is sticky. Sushi is the preparation of cooked rice seasoned with rice vinegar and sugar. The rice is shaped into ovals and topped with raw fish, wrapped in nori, or prepared in a wide variety of preparations
an aromatic rice with an aroma and texture similar to basmati; it is available as both brown and white rice. Used in pilaf, puddings, and side dishes.
a short-to medium-grain Spanish rice of everyday quality, with the ability to absorb 3 cups of liquid for each cup of raw rice. Used in paella
a long-grain rice with a dark russet bran and a distinctive nutty taste and aroma grown by Lundberg Family Farms in California. Good in salads, fried rice dishes, pilaf, and stuffing.
Wild rice
looks like rice and grows like rice, but has a different botanical classification. It is the only grain native to North America and was an important food to Native Americans living in the regions where it grew. Today, most wild rice is cultivated in man-made paddies in Minnesota, California, and central Canada. When it is cooked, the dark chewy hull expands and the kernel pops, exposing the soft white center. Cooking times will vary from 35 to 55 minutes